HTTPS & S3 links to indexes freely available thanks to the Amazon Web Services Public Dataset Program
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There are different types of indexes depending on whether transcripts and/or single-nucleotide variants are included in the graph index:
Indexes with rep
in the name require HISAT2 v2.2.0 or above.
Species / Build | FASTA source | HTTPS URL | S3 URL |
Human / GRCh38 | Ensembl | genome, snp, tran, snp+tran, rep, snp+rep | genome, snp, tran, snp+tran, rep, snp+rep |
Human / hg38 | UCSC | genome, tran | genome, tran |
Human / GRCh37 | NCBI | genome, snp, tran, snp+tran | genome, snp, tran, snp+tran |
Human / hg19 | UCSC | genome | genome |
Mouse / GRCm38 | NCBI | genome, snp, tran, snp+tran | genome, snp, tran, snp+tran |
Mouse / mm10 | UCSC | genome | genome |
Rat / rn6 | UCSC | genome | genome |
Drosophila / BDGP6 | Ensembl | genome, tran | genome, tran |
Drosophila / dm6 | UCSC | genome | genome |
C. elegans / WBcel235 | Ensembl | genome, tran | genome, tran |
Species / Build | HTTPs URLs | S3 URLs |
Human / GRCh38 | genotypes | genotypes |
HISAT, HISAT2 and HISAT-genotype are the work of Daehwan Kim, Joe Paggi, Geo Pertea, Christopher Bennett, Yun (Leo) Zhang, Chanhee Park, Ben Langmead, Steven Salzberg among others. Please see the HISAT, HISAT2 and HISAT-genotype websites for more information on the software, authors, and how to cite the work.