Index zone

HTTPS & S3 links to indexes freely available thanks to the Amazon Web Services Public Dataset Program


Public hosting of these index files is possible thanks to the Amazon Web Services Public Dataset Program. Use the left sidebar to select a tool.

Each index file can be accessed freely and without charge through either an HTTPS URL or an S3 URL.

To access files from within AWS, e.g. from an EC2 instance, you can use the AWS CLI to perform an S3 copy or sync, using a command like this:

aws s3 cp s3://genome-idx/bt/ .

You can also initiate transfers using the AWS console, the Python boto3 library, and various other tools and libraries.

Access to files in the AWS Public Dataset Program is free. This is true whether you use the HTTPS or the S3 URL. For S3 URLs, the transfer is free even if it crosses an AWS region boundary; there is no inter-regional data transfer fee.

To get started with these index files, please see the tutorials for the respective tools.